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IS militia about to lose former capital Raqqa in Syria

© Reuters

RAQQA, Syria (September 20, 2017) – According to activists, the Islamic State is on the verge of losing its former Syrian capital Raqqa. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) control approximately 80 percent of the city.

The fighters of the so-called Islamic State holds only the center. The SDF explained that the struggle for the former IS stronghold is “nearing the end”.The districts of Tishrin, Ramilah and Rawdah in the north of Raqqa have been liberated after five days of fighting, according to a statement issued today by the military alliance’s General Commander. Dozens of IS members have been killed and hundreds of civilians evacuated from the city.

The SDF explained that for the first time since the beginning of the Raqqa operation, an offensive had been launched on the northern front. After five days of fighting, there is now a mine clean-up on this front section from the side of the SDF fighters.

“We are witnessing the last stage of the operation” Wrath of the Euphrates “to liberate Raqqa. This offensive will defeat the largest terrorist organisation in Syria “, the SDF statement says.

Operation “Wrath of the Euphrates” was started on December 10,2016 with the aim of liberating the Syrian city of Raqqa, which has been under the control of IS for three years and has been declared the capital of its “Caliphate”.

The current situation in Syria: Syrian Civil War Map

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