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German authorities are searching for thousands of Syrian blank passports

BERLIN, Germany (September 10, 2017) – The jihadist group Islamic State allegedly possesses more than 11,000 blank Syrian passports. A lot of counterfeits have apparently appeared in Germany.

Source: DPA

According to a press report, German security authorities are looking for 11,100 blank Syrian passports. The newspaper “Bild am Sonntag” reports that the militia “Islamic State” captured the documents in the Syrian civil war, citing confidential documents from the Federal Criminal Police Office, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Police Office.

According to the report, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has subsequently checked a total of 18,722 passports in Germany for irregularities in 2015. A total of 81,301 documents had been reviewed by the end of October 2016.

In 2015 800 counterfeits (4.3 percent) were discovered, and 8625 (10.6 percent) in 2016.


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